Wednesday 6 November 2013

Apple jilebi



Apple 2 cut into thin discs

Maida 1 cup

Corn flour 1 tbs

Baking powder 1/2 ts

Yellow food colour 1/2 ts

Water to make batter

Oil to fry



For sugar syrup:

Sugar 1 cup

Water 1 cup

Lemon juice 2 tbs

Cardamom pods 2-3 crushed

Crushed pistachio to garnish




Cut apple into thin discs ,remove seeds

Make batter using maida,corn flour,baking powder and food colour by adding water.

Keep aside for half an hour.

Meanwhile prepare sugar syrup

Heat oil ,dip apple discs into the batter and deep fry.

Drain on paper towel.

Dip into the sugar syrup for 2 mins

Take out and serve garnished with crushed pistachio nuts.



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